Advance Purchase Deal poster used at Hemisphere Corporation
Advance Purchase Deal poster used at Hemisphere Corporation
Advance Purchase Deal poster used at Hemisphere Corporation
Advance Purchase Deal poster used at Hemisphere Corporation
Advance Purchase Deal poster used at Hemisphere Corporation

Book Early and Save More
Lock in your travel plans and enjoy exclusive savings with our Advance Purchase Deal.

Whether you're escaping for a weekend retreat or indulging in an extended vacation, we've got you covered with unbeatable savings of up to 20% off our Best Flexible Rate for advanced bookings. Book now to secure your preferred dates and lock in these exclusive savings!

Book now and look forward to a relaxing retreat across our portfolio of hotels and resorts.

  • Up to 20% off our Best Flexible Rate for a minimum of 14 days of advanced bookings
  • Up to 10% off our Best Flexible Rate for a minimum of 7 days of advanced bookings

Participating Hotels & Resorts

1. Grand Margherita Hotel

2. Riverside Majestic Hotel Astana Wing

3. Riverside Majestic Hotel Puteri Wing

4. Damai Beach Resort

5. Damai Lagoon Resort


Terms and conditions

•    Rates quoted, unless specified nett, are subject to prevailing government taxes.
•    Offer cannot be combined with other promotional offers or discounts.
•    Black-out dates and other restrictions may apply for individual hotels.
•    Rates are per room per night and based on availability at the time of reservation.
•    Management reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice